End of an Era

Hey all,

I just started taking down a few of the older posts that were not packed full of information. Most of my posts will stay up, and I may share some of the blog posts that were on Homesteadingedu. For those of you who were not aware, unfortunately, we had to close Homesteadingedu down. We had several of the owners of our homesteading company who developed major health issues, and the company was just not paying for itself.

That said, I will be coming back on here to share old helpful blog posts, and maybe even share a few new posts periodically just from my heart, and not for financial gain as I do really want to help others. So, the blog name has changed, but I hope to post a lot of new content along the lines of what I had been posting on the Homesteadingedu website.

Also, if you have Facebook and want short recipes without a blog attached, I’m sharing those on Fortis Et Fidus Kitchen.


Until next time,


This is a sweet up and coming milk goat in training that I thought I’d share a picture of.

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